Friday, October 7, 2011

Steve really is simple!

     WILK's Steve Corbett could be the poster child for communism.  While he proclaims to be a patriotic American he criticizes practically everything about our American Representative Democracy.  He is simply not able to intellectually connect the dots between employers paying more in wages, benefits and taxes and how they affect profitability, jobs and consumer prices.

     Recently Corbett was barking about the tax system with his usual the rich should pay more. A caller cited the IRS stats that the top 5 % of taxpayers are paying over 50% of the taxes.  As anyone who has ever listened to captain blow hard knows he never lets the facts get in the way of his opinion.  He retorted with one of his usual comebacks,  "I don't think its that simple".  That's his way of dissing the caller when he doesn't have an intelligent response.

     No Steve, the caller was correct.  Health care is NOT in the constitution. As liberals do he justs says that in his opinion it's in there somewhere.  So when it came to finding health care in the constitution he proudly yelps, "it's that simple".

     So when it is HIS opinion, it's simple, if not, then it's just too complicated for us to understand and discuss. A good example of that is anytime a caller tries to discuss what is or is not in the constitution Corbett immediately cuts them off with the usual, "you are not a constitutional scholar", therefore you are not intelligent enough to know what a complicated document like the constitution says.  One does not need a PhD to read, understand and discuss the constitution.

     Far left liberals like Steve Corbett use these kinds of tactics because they can't win these debates with facts.   When facts get in the way they just dismiss them with the "it's not that simple" type of rebuttal.

     Ann Coulter describes the liberal debate style.  It fits Corbett like a glove.

"Words mean nothing to liberals. They say whatever will help advance their cause at the moment, switch talking points in a heartbeat, and then act indignant if anyone uses the exact same argument they were using five minutes ago."

Ann must have heard the Steve Corbett show.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Corporate Greed protestors are morons!

If you believe that corporate greed is the reason there are no jobs, that is probably why you are unemployed.  You are a moron.  What is "corporate greed"?   A CEO or president of a company that makes more money than you think they should?  A corporation that makes too much money?

A corporation that "makes too much money",  hires tens of thousands of employees in order to make that much money.  The more money a corporation makes means more money goes to the "owners" of that corporation, "shareholders" in the form of dividends and/or increased stock price.

If you are not making enough money it is not because someone else makes too much and there is not enough money left for you.  It is because you are spending too much time complaining, wallowing, and protesting instead of working.

Let's say Entercom Communications employer of the lovely dope Nancy Kman, is one of those greedy corporations.  Entercom is a $215 million dollar company.  Nowhere near the size of Exxon but $215 million is way more than they need to make, right.  So what are they to do?   In order to reduce their greed they should layoff some or all of their sales staff to stop selling so reduce how much money they make.  As sales come down to a more "reasonable level"  then they could layoff office staff, engineers, etc.  Well they would have to layoff employees because they won't be making as much money.   As they start to reduce the amount of money they make, their profits will also drop.  The people who own the corporation, (shareholders), would also make less money on dividends and stock value. As Entercom became a smaller more reasonable less greedy company there would be many more jobs created somewhere else in the economy, so, you morons that are protesting would then be able to get jobs, right?

Next time you are listening to Nancy and Webster..... count how many times Nancy says "I".   You WILL lose count....

Just sayin..............